The essence of [[GAN]] GAN The task of GAN is to generate features $X$ from some noise $\xi$ and class labels $Y$, $$\xi, Y \to X.$$ Many different GANs are proposed. Vanilla GAN has a simple structure with a single discriminator and a single generator. It uses the minmax game setup. However, it is not stable to use minmax game to train a GAN model. WassersteinGAN was proposed to solve the stability problem during training1. More advanced GANs like BiGAN and ALI have more complex structures. Vanilla GAN Minmax Game … is comparing the generated distribution $p_G$ and the data distribution $p_\text{data}$. The vanilla GAN considers the Jensen-Shannon divergence $\operatorname{D}\text{JS}(p\text{data}\Vert p_{G})$. The discriminator ${\color{green}D}$ serves the purpose of forcing this divergence to be small.

Why do we need the discriminator?

If the JS divergence is an objective, why do we need the discriminator? Even in f-GAN we need a functional to approximate the f-divergence. This functional we choose works like the discriminator of GAN.

There exists a more generic form of JS divergence, which is called [[f-divergence]] f-Divergence The f-divergence is defined as1 $$ \operatorname{D}_f = \int f\left(\frac{p}{q}\right) q\mathrm d\mu, $$ where $p$ and $q$ are two densities and $\mu$ is a reference distribution. Requirements on the generating function The generating function $f$ is required to be convex, and $f(1) =0$. For $f(x) = x \log x$ with $x=p/q$, f-divergence is reduced to the KL divergence $$ \begin{align} &\int f\left(\frac{p}{q}\right) q\mathrm d\mu \\ =& \int \frac{p}{q} \log \left( \frac{p}{q} \right) \mathrm d\mu … 1. f-GAN obtains the model by estimating the f-divergence between the data distribution and the generated distribution2.

Variational Divergence Minimization

The Variational Divergence Minimization (VDM) extends the variational estimation of f-divergence2. VDM searches for the saddle point of an objective $F({\color{red}\theta}, {\color{blue}\omega})$, i.e., min w.r.t. $\theta$ and max w.r.t ${\color{blue}\omega}$, where ${\color{red}\theta}$ is the parameter set of the generator ${\color{red}Q_\theta}$, and ${\color{blue}\omega}$ is the parameter set of the variational approximation to estimate f-divergence, ${\color{blue}T_\omega}$.

The objective $F({\color{red}\theta}, {\color{blue}\omega})$ is related to the choice of $f$ in f-divergence and the variational functional ${\color{blue}T}$,

$$ \begin{align} & F(\theta, \omega)\\ =& \mathbb E_{x\sim p_\text{data}} \left[ {\color{blue}T_\omega}(x) \right] - \mathbb E_{x\sim {\color{red}Q_\theta} } \left[ f^*({\color{blue}T_\omega}(x)) \right] \\ =& \mathbb E_{x\sim p_\text{data}} \left[ g_f(V_{\color{blue}\omega}(x)) \right] - \mathbb E_{x\sim {\color{red}Q_\theta} } \left[ f^*(g_f(V_{\color{blue}\omega}(x))) \right]. \end{align} $$

In the above objective,

$T$, $g_f$, $V$

The function $T$ is used to estimate the lower bound of f-divergence[^Nowozin2016].

Nowozin et al provided a table for $g_f$ and $V$[^Nowozin2016].

We estimate

  • $\mathbb E_{x\sim p_\text{data}}$ by sampling from the mini-batch, and
  • $\mathbb E_{x\sim {\color{red}Q_\theta} }$ by sampling from the generator.

Reduce to GAN

The VDM loss can be reduced to the [[loss of GAN]] GAN The task of GAN is to generate features $X$ from some noise $\xi$ and class labels $Y$, $$\xi, Y \to X.$$ Many different GANs are proposed. Vanilla GAN has a simple structure with a single discriminator and a single generator. It uses the minmax game setup. However, it is not stable to use minmax game to train a GAN model. WassersteinGAN was proposed to solve the stability problem during training1. More advanced GANs like BiGAN and ALI have more complex structures. Vanilla GAN Minmax Game … by setting2

$$ \begin{align} \log {\color{green}D_\omega} =& g_f(V_{\color{blue}\omega}(x)) \\ \log \left( 1 - {\color{green}D_\omega} \right) =& -f^*\left( g_f(V_{\color{blue}\omega}(x)) \right). \end{align} $$

It is straightforward to validate that the following result is a solution to the above set of equations,

$$ g_f(V) = \log \frac{1}{1 + e^{-V}}. $$

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L Ma (2021). 'f-GAN', Datumorphism, 08 April. Available at: https://datumorphism.leima.is/wiki/machine-learning/adversarial-models/f-gan/.