
Use cookiecutter to initialize a project

Documenting my data science project using sphinx or mkdocs-material

We should be careful when dealing with python mutable objects. For example, make copies of python mutable objects in pyspark udfs.

To compare two dataframe schemas in [[PySpark]] Data Processing - (Py)Spark Processing Data using …

Using different learning rates in different layers of our artificial neural network.

It is a convinient package to manage path and files

Convert continuous values into bins in pandas

We can set the parameters in a for loop. We take some of the initialization methods from Lippe1. To …

Sequentially inherit python classes

Use three dots as placeholder for python empty function

Build an ordered list of methods in a python class by adding attributes to member functions

Pandas Groupby Does Not Guarantee Unique Content in Groupby Columns, it also considers the …

== and is are different

Love switch statement? We can design a switch statement it in python.