
The Katz index is $$ \mathbf S_{\text{Katz}}[u,v] = \sum_{i=1}^\infty \beta^i \mathbf A^i[u, v], $$ …

The LHN index is a normalized similarity index. From Katz Index to LHN Index [[Katz Index]] Graph …

Random Walk Construct a stochastic transfer matrix $P$ by normalizing the adjacency matrix $\mathbf …

For two graphs, $\mathcal G$ and $\mathcal H$, the two graphs are isomorphism on the following …

The Adamic Adar (AA) index is1 $$ \mathbf S_{\text{AA}}[v_1,v_2] = \sum_{u\in\mathcal N(u) \cap …

The Resource Allocation (RA) index is $$ \mathbf S_{\text{RA}}[v_1,v_2] = \sum_{u\in\mathcal N(u) …

The Salton index is $$ \mathbf S_{\text{Salton}}[u,v] = \frac{ 2\lvert \mathcal N (u) \cap \mathcal …

The Sorensen index is $$ \mathbf S_{\text{Sorensen}}[u,v] = \frac{ 2\lvert \mathcal N (u) \cap …

Initialize a neural network is important for the training and performance. Some initializations simply don't work, some will degrade the performance of the model. We should choose wisely.

For numerical stability we can use the log-sum-exp trick to calculate some loss such as cross entropy

Artificial neuron that separates the state space

Redis is an in-memory nosql data structure server

A bag is a set in which duplicate elements are allowed. An ordered bag is a list that we use in …

The conditional probability table is also called CPT

Also known as the second central moment is a measurement of the spread.

To find the eigenvectors $\mathbf x$ of a matrix $\mathbf A$, we construct the eigen equation $$ …

Choose X from N is $$ C_N^X = \frac{N!}{ X! (N-X)! } $$