Contrastive Predictive Coding, aka CPC, is an autoregressive model combined with InfoNCE loss1. …
Max Global Mutual Information Why not just use the global mutual information of the input and …
Autoencoders (AE) are machines that encodes inputs into a compact latent space. The simplest …
Detecting correlations using correlations for numeric data
Essential knowledge of database
mind the data structure: here comes the graph
Python as a programming language
Information Bottleneck In a [[induction-deduction framework]] Induction, Deduction, and Transduction …
Build a python package
In an inference problem, $p(z\vert x)$, which is used to infer $z$ from $x$. $$ p(z\vert x) = …
Essential knowledge of programming
Detecting correlations using correlations for numerical data
Linear regression of multidimensional data
MongoDB is a document based database
Statistical test without assuming models
Non-parametric test using ranking
Describing multi-dimensional data
signal processing
basics about audio