
Python copy values of scalars but addresses of lists

Create new columns in pandas

Trees in computer science

Some caveats about heap on mac and linux

int multiplication in C++ should be processed with caution.

How to use CMake to generate makefiles

In C++ we can use range-for-statement

Using ls and tree commands to list folders only

Python default parameters might be changed with each run

Matplotlib provides many different backends

Amazingly, Mathematica provides an option for plot that automatically generates beautiful plots.

Turn a series expansion in Mathematica into a function

My git asks for password every time I pull or push even with ssh configured.

Play russian roulette in your command line

GNU screen key conflict with bash can be solved

Using math -run or wolfram -run we could execute a Mathematica script through ssh in terminal.

Using gnuplot in iterm2 we can output result inside terminal combined with imgcat

Mathematica Plot might include some non-existant lines sometimes, Exclusions is the potion for it.

We can pass a list of arguments using Sequence