
It is a convinient package to manage path and files

Convert continuous values into bins in pandas

Sequentially inherit python classes

Use three dots as placeholder for python empty function

Build an ordered list of methods in a python class by adding attributes to member functions

== and is are different

Love switch statement? We can design a switch statement it in python.

tilde operator may not work as you expected

Array of dictionaries becomes hard to update in MongoDB.

eval is powerful but really dangerous

Python package or python module autoreloading in jupyter notebook

Python package or python module autoreloading in jupyter notebook

Add Data Files to Python Package using and

Why is pip install -r requirements.txt not working in conda?

Flatten 2D list using sum

Python datetime on different os behaves inconsistently

If on int is dangerous

Python long string formatting

Find the actual path to file

Adding new data to dataframe using multiprocessing