
Frobenius distance between the matrix $X_{n}^{\phantom{n}k}$ and $H_n^{\phantom{n}r} …

Levenshtein distance calculates the number of operations needed to change one word to another by …

n-gram is a method to split words into set of substring elements so that those can be used to match …

As simple as the inner product of two vectors $$ d_{cos} = \frac{\vec A}{\vert \vec A \vert} \cdot …

To find the eigenvectors $\mathbf x$ of a matrix $\mathbf A$, we construct the eigen equation $$ …

Jaccard index is the ratio of the size of the intersect of the set and the size of the union of the …

Choose X from N is $$ C_N^X = \frac{N!}{ X! (N-X)! } $$

Differential transformation method can be used to solve differential equation even …

Calculate the area enclosed by a line

Eigenstates of a very special matrix

An identity about integral

Symmetry of second derivatives