Initialize Artificial Neural Networks
The weights are better if they1
- are zero centered, and
- have similar variance across layers.
Variance is related to the input size of the layer
Suppose we are using a simple linear activation, $\sigma(x) = \alpha x$. For a series of inputs $x_j$, the outputs $y_i$ are
$$ y_i = \sum_{j} w_{ij} x_j. $$
The variance of $y_i$ is
$$ \begin{align} \operatorname{Var}\left[ y \right] &= \alpha^2 \operatorname{Var}\left[\sum_{j} w_{ij} x_j \right] \\ & = \alpha^2 \sum_{j}\operatorname{Var}\left[ w_{ij} x_j \right] \\ &= \alpha^2 \sum_j \left( \mathbb E\left[ (w_{ij}x_j)^2 \right] - \mathbb E^2 \left[ w_{ij} x_j \right] \right) \label{eq-var-expand-var}\\ &= \alpha^2 \sum_j \left( \mathbb E\left[ (w_{ij}x_j)^2 \right] - {\color{red}\mathbb E^2 \left[ w_{ij} \right]} \mathbb E^2 \left[ x_j \right] \right) \label{eq-var-expand-expectation-sq} \\ &= \alpha^2 \sum_j \left( \mathbb E\left[ (w_{ij}x_j)^2 \right]\right) \label{eq-var-drop-zero-exp} \\ &= \alpha^2 \sum_j \left( \mathbb E\left[ w_{ij}^2x_j^2 \right]\right) \label{eq-var-expand-sq-expectation}\\ &= \alpha^2 \sum_j \left( \mathbb E\left[ w_{ij}^2\right]\mathbb E\left[x_j^2 \right]\right) \label{eq-var-propagate-exp}\\ &= \alpha^2 \sum_j \left( \left(\mathbb E\left[ w_{ij}^2\right] - {\color{red}\mathbb E^2\left[ w_{ij} \right]}\right)\left(\mathbb E\left[x_j^2 \right] - {\color{red}\mathbb E^2\left[ x_j \right]} \right) \right) \label{eq-var-add-zero-exp-w-x}\\ &= \alpha^2 \sum_j \left( \operatorname{Var}\left[ w_{ij} \right]\operatorname{Var}\left[x_j \right]\right) \label{eq-var-form-var-w-x}\\ &= D \alpha^2 \left( \sigma_w^2\sigma_x^2\right) \label{eq-var-calculate-sum}. \end{align} $$
In the derivation,
- the red term in $\eqref{eq-var-expand-expectation-sq}$, ${\color{red}\mathbb E^2 \left[ w_{ij} \right]}$ is zero,
- we assume the input has zero expectation in $\eqref{eq-var-add-zero-exp-w-x}$, i.e., ${\color{red}\mathbb E^2\left[ x_j \right]}=0$,
- in the last step {eq-var-calculate-sum}, we assumed all the variances are the same, $\operatorname{Var}\left[ w_{ij} \right]=\sigma_w^2$ and $\operatorname{Var}\left[x_j \right]=\sigma_x^2$,
- $D$ is the dimension of the input data $x$.
If we require $\operatorname{Var}\left[ y \right] = \sigma_x^2$, the variance of the weights should be
$$ \sigma_w^2 = \frac{1}{D \alpha^2}. $$
For linear activation function, $\alpha=1$, thus
$$ \sigma_w^2 = \frac{1}{D}. $$
For more features we have in the input, we should choose smaller initial variance for the weights.
Weight Variance is also related to the output size of the layer
Assuming $\hat D$ is the output dimension of the layer, it is also proved that we need
$$ \sigma_w^2 = \frac{1}{\hat D}, $$
to make sure the back-prop is also stable, i.e., have similar gradient variance across layers.
Xavier Initialization
The Xavier initialization is something in between the above two ideas,
$$ \sigma_w^2 = \frac{2}{D + \hat D}. $$
In Glorot2010, the authors also proposed a uniform distribution alternative to normal distribution, which they call the normalized initialization2. In this proposal, we uniformly sample from the range
$$ \left[ -\frac{\sqrt{6}}{D + \hat D}, \frac{\sqrt{6}}{D + \hat D} \right]. $$
This proposal is essentially the same idea as the Xavier initialization.
What are the differences has an interactive session on the effects of initializations for classification tasks on MNIST.
Lippe2020 Lippe P. Tutorial 3: Activation Functions — UvA DL Notebooks v1.1 documentation. In: UvA Deep Learning Tutorials [Internet]. [cited 23 Sep 2021]. Available: ↩︎
Glorot2010 Glorot X, Bengio Y. Understanding the difficulty of training deep feedforward neural networks. Teh YW, Titterington M, editors. 2010;9: 249–256. Available: ↩︎
- Lippe2020 Lippe P. Tutorial 3: Activation Functions — UvA DL Notebooks v1.1 documentation. In: UvA Deep Learning Tutorials [Internet]. [cited 23 Sep 2021]. Available:
- Ouannes P. How to initialize deep neural networks? Xavier and Kaiming initialization. In: Title [Internet]. 22 Mar 2019 [cited 24 Sep 2021]. Available:
- Glorot2010 Glorot X, Bengio Y. Understanding the difficulty of training deep feedforward neural networks. Teh YW, Titterington M, editors. 2010;9: 249–256. Available:
- Katanforoosh2019 Katanforoosh & Kunin, "Initializing neural networks",, 2019.
Links to:L Ma (2021). 'Initialize Artificial Neural Networks', Datumorphism, 09 April. Available at: