Graph Isomorphism

For two graphs, $\mathcal G$ and $\mathcal H$, the two graphs are isomorphism on the following condition

$$ u, v \text{ adjacent in } G \iff u, v \text{ adjacent in } H. $$

An algorithm to find approximate isomorphism is the [[Weisfeiler Lehman Method]] Weisfeiler-Lehman Kernel The Weisfeiler-Lehman kernel is an iterative integration of neighborhood information. We initialize the labels for each node using its own node degree. At each step, we take the neighboring node degrees to form a [[multiset]] Multiset, mset or bag A bag is a set in which duplicate elements are allowed. An ordered bag is a list that we use in programming. . At step $K$, we have the multisets for each node. Those multisets at each node can be processed to form an representation of the graph which … .

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L Ma (2021). 'Graph Isomorphism', Datumorphism, 09 April. Available at: