5 Graph Structure Learning in GNN
Category: { Graph Neural Network }
Summary: We can learn a graph structure without prior knowledge
Pages: 4
4 Mix-hop Propagation in GNN
Category: { Graph Neural Network }
Summary: Mix-hop is a strategy to avoid oversmoothing in GNN
Pages: 4
3 Time Convolution
Category: { Time Series }
- Wu Z, Pan S, Long G, Jiang J, Chang X, Zhang C. Connecting the Dots: Multivariate Time Series Forecasting with Graph Neural Networks. arXiv [cs.LG]. 2020. Available: http://arxiv.org/abs/2005.11650
- Lässig F. Temporal Convolutional Networks and Forecasting. In: Unit8 [Internet]. 6 Jul 2021 [cited 28 Nov 2022]. Available: https://unit8.com/resources/temporal-convolutional-networks-and-forecasting/
Summary: The temporal convolution is responsible for capturing temporal patterns in a sequence.
Pages: 4
1 Prediction Space in Forecasting
Category: { Time Series }
Summary: In a forecasting problem, we have
$\mathcal P$, the priors, e.g., price and demand is negatively correlated, $\mathcal D$, available dataset, $Y$, the observations, and $F$, the forecasts. Information Set $\mathcal A$
The priors $\mathcal D$ and the available data $\mathcal P$ can be summarized together as the information set $\mathcal A$. Under a probabilistic view, a forecaster will find out or approximate a CDF $\mathcal F$ such that1
$$ \mathcal F(Y\vert \mathcal D, \mathcal P) \to F. $$
Naively speaking, once the density $\rho(F, Y)$ is determined or estimated, a probabilistic forecaster can be formed. The joint probability of $(F, Y)$ is our prediction space.
Pages: 4